Pizza in his pocket

finally...dapat jugak this song from aisyah ulya...
best tau...skali dengar mesti nk dengar lagi...
tp..xdela lagunya kat sini ..just a lyrics..coz berlaku sedikit kesakitan yang dipuncakan oleh virus kemalasan sedang menular di dalam diriku..same2 amik manfaat..

Did you ever hear about the boy
Who ate and ate and ate!
He ate early in the morning
And he ate when it was late.

But he didn’t thank Allah for all the yummy food he had
And he ate so much it made him sick!
Which really made him sad.

He ate dates in Damascus, which he thought were very nice.
And hot samoosas in Sumatra, seasoned with a special spice.

He had tacos in Tijuana with some sauce he got from Spain
And a bowl of fresh bakalava that he bartered in Bahrain.

He said gyros made in Cairo are a taste that can’t be beat,
And the lemonade in Yemen made a very special treat.

But the turkey made in Turkey
Could still use a pinch of salt.
If you ever visit Malta, you should
Have a chocolate malt!

He had pizza in his pocket, he had ketchup on his shirt,
And he bought an ice-cream sundae, so he wouldn’t miss dessert.
He had pizza in his pocket, he had ketchup on his shirt,
And he bought an ice-cream sundae, so he wouldn’t miss dessert.

On a bay in the Bahamas,
He ate bon-bons in a bunch.
And then he rushed back
Home so he could make it
Just in time for lunch!

Then one day he saw a little girl, who held her tummy tight,
And he walked over and asked her if everything was alright.

She said she was so hungry and had been hungry for so long,
Then he realized the way he ate was very very wrong.

He looked down at his own tummy and he started feeling pain-
Pain from eating too much food, but he knew not to complain.
So he brought the girl some food, shared it with her family,
Then they thanked Allah for what they had, and then he let them be.

So let’s try to learn a lesson and let’s try to do what’s right.
Eat the food your parents give you without a fuss or fight.

Always be thankful to Allah for all your yummy food,
Share what you have with others, because not sharing is rude.

Being thankful is what’s really great.
Eat the veggies on your plate.

And don’t be like the boy who always ate and ate and ate!

He had pizza in his pocket, he had ketchup on his shirt,
And he bought an ice-cream sundae, so he wouldn’t miss dessert.
He had pizza in his pocket, he had ketchup on his shirt,
And he bought an ice-cream sundae, so he wouldn’t miss dessert.

Being thankful is what’s really great.
Eat the veggies on your plate.

And don’t be like the boy who always ate and ate and ate!


WhoSign said…
eat the vegies on ur plate..
tertarik dgn yg ni..

mungkin xramai yg makan secara berlebihan, tapi ramai yg meninggalkan baki makanan kat pinggan..

kecik2 mak pesan,

"abiskan yg sikit lagi tu, menangis die nanti"

"sikit je lagi tu, entah2 kat situ berkatnya"

dats why bile dh besar ad yg jd 'cleaner'.. heher
Anonymous said…

ramai yg suka bakikan makann dalam pinggan...

tak pun...yg selalu orang kata...nnti dapat suami soleh/isteri solehah...

tapi,yg pasti..xbaikkan membazir..
bgs sape jdi cleaner 2...berkat..
WhoSign said…
"nanti dapat suami soleh / isteri solehah"

yg tu jarang dengar.. sbb dulu kecik2 lagi.. heher..

dh besar ni just pernah terdgr dari jauh skali jer ad kwn cakap..

tips mencari calon:
1. pastikan orangnya makan abis

Anonymous said…
bagus gak tip 2...

antara ciri orang soleh ialah xmmbazir..

kiranya orang yang habiskan makanan 2 jugak orang yang bersyukur..

WhoSign said…
tapi, antara...

"berhenti sebelum kenyang"


"jangan bazir makanan"

camne? camne?
Anonymous said…
berhenti sebelum kenyang..

jgn bazir makanan...

kaitkan dua2 nie..mean...

amikla makanan sekadarnya,bukan ikut nafsu..kalo amik byk2 ..nnti kenyang dulu,makanan xabis jadi bazir..

"makan untuk hidup,bukan hidup untuk makan" ..huhu

Anonymous said…
btul for our life..hehe
xpr lau xhbis bagi meh bg kat kite..hehehe
tpi nk pizza ni la..ahaks!;p
asrar said…
no hal ,...

pizza yg aku buat special utk ko...
ada campur ngn sambal lala skali..

aziee said…
i like ice-cream sundae.. :-)
tuan punye blog ni bile nk belanje.. hehe... :-p
baru berkesempatan nk hayati lirik ni...
hum... bagus2!!
Anonymous said…
to azie..


nk brapa....huhu..

tp sediakn duit laa ye...hehe

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